I just finished reading Adamant and have started the study that is being led by Lisa online.
The book is about establishing our lives and callings in Christ Jesus our Adamant.
To find our place as living stones, established in our faith.
The first chapter on page 17 summed up briefly in a few sentences what the book was going to teach.
When truth becomes fluid, we lose contact with answers larger than ourselves.
Real truth is a rock. Adamant. Indivisible. Immovable. Invincible.
Jesus is truth. And I propose that Jesus is the Adamant.
~ Lisa Bevere
I am inviting you to join us... Messenger International has opened registration again for The Adamant Experience for a brief time.
Click here - to go to the link-- The Adamant Experience
You will be taken to the page to read more in depth about Adamant.
Here is what Lisa has as an introduction to the book on her web page..
About the Book
What is truth?
This has become the defining question of our time.
But while everyone has an opinion, truth, it seems,
is getting harder and harder to find.
Perhaps that’s because we are searching for something
when we should be looking for someone.
But while everyone has an opinion, truth, it seems,
is getting harder and harder to find.
Perhaps that’s because we are searching for something
when we should be looking for someone.
Truth has a name.
More ancient than time and more present than this moment, truth is not a river that
changes with the cultural currents, but a rock—immovable, invincible, unshakeable—
and the cornerstone of all we are and ever dream to be.
This book will help you find the strength to anchor your soul and lead others to the Truth.
Love you adamantly,

** If you click on the art parable painting title you will be redirected to its website for more information about the painting. All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography, copyright © 2017 Debbie Turner Chavers. Protected by US and International copyright laws. All Rights Reserved. Scripture references taken from the King James Version bible which can be accessed online at http://biblegateway.com
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