
September 21, 2024

If God Asked You A Question, What Would It Be?

Painting At The Beach
Copyright 2024 Debbie Turner Chavers

I find myself on a busy day sending a quick note or quick question for needed information to those that I know.
I have never considered how often I ask a question. Being a fairly practical person I want to get an answer and bring any subject to completion when dealing with business.
But relationships don't happen that way. And that is the difficult part! There are so many nuances and reasons why people do what they do. And usually they do not give a second thought to any of this! Well, I believe we need too! Have you ever tried to work on a puzzle where one of the pieces is missing or there is a piece that almost fits, but, not quite?
Ugh! This will send me to my knees. Literally. Where is that piece?
That's the way I feel at times dealing with people who make me look for the missing piece in a relationship and look and look and look.

This train of thought was brought about by mulling over some personal issues. Well, like I said...I like completion. So my thoughts were twirling around in my brain sphere with WHY don't they just tell me...why don't they listen?
And happened.
I found the piece I was missing in this puzzle as I lay quietly pondering my WHY"S. I didn't need to keep asking Him questions. My answer was in His question to me!

If God asked you a question, what would it be?

Ask Him.
God what do you want to ask me? I bet the question has something to do with what you are experiencing. I did and His question got right to the heart of the matter! My center.

You can't ask for me and I can't ask for you.
But if you ask might be amazed at His question and your answer.
I asked Him.....Lord what would you ask me?
Go ahead....Ask Him. He loves to tell us His heart.


Mark 11:29
And Jesus answered and said unto them, I will also ask of you one question, and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
+ Salvation message and quick prayer

*Repost from my blog April 12, 2009

** If you click on the art or parable painting title you will be redirected to its website for more information about the painting and content. All writing, poetry, posts, art, video and photography, copyright © 2024 Debbie Turner Chavers. Protected by US and International copyright laws. All Rights Reserved. Scripture references taken from the KJV 
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