
June 02, 2016

Poem: Behold The Man, The Word Became Flesh

© 2005 Debbie Turner Chavers
John 1:14

With all of His heart
He held you
His arms spread wide and pierced
He held you inside
With a knowing of what was required
He laid down His will
to gather you still
From a world of chaos
And pain
He whispers your name
Come unto me
you who are weary and heavy laden
I will give you rest
With all of my heart
I spread my arms opened wide and pierced
To give you eternity and all that is best

© Debbie Turner Chavers

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all Ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Our Father God will withhold no good thing from us.


All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography copyright © 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers. All Rights Reserved. Encouragement? Protected by US and International copyright laws. Scripture references from King James bible