
January 15, 2016

Do Not Whisper

My oldest grand-daughter and I were sitting at her small table having a snack, sharing a moment.
Sometimes during these moments of sweet fellowship with my grand-daughter I tend to speak softly, almost conspiratorially.
But this time as I spoke she said "Don't whisper" and I asked "Why?"
To which she replied, "Don't whisper, because I love you!"
I smiled and said "Alright, I love you too. I won't whisper."
She was so serious about her request that I prayerfully considered our interaction during our meal together.
As I thought about it, the Lord brought the scriptures in Matthew 10:27 and Matthew 5:14 to my mind.

So... I am not whispering.
We are a city set on a hill. Let us shine.
What God whispers in our ear, we preach from the housetops!

Do not whisper, because He loves us.

Matthew 21:15-16
Matthew 10:26-27
Matthew 5:14-16
Psalm 8:1-9

Click on the scripture references to see the entire scripture.

All writing,poetry, posts, art, and photography copyright © 2016 Debbie Turner Chavers.  All Rights Reserved. Protected by US and International copyright laws. Scriptures from King James Version.