
April 07, 2011

Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed?

"Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed?"
copyright © 2004 Debbie Turner Chavers

Amos 3:3  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

After much thought,I wrestled in my mind for an answer to a problem I was considering. I received an answer when the Lord showed me this picture. I had just finished washing some sneakers and was laying them out to dry when I noticed how I had placed them on the dryer.

I realized the root of the problem was that I was going in the wrong direction! As I considered this, I heard the scripture Amos 3:3 in my heart.
If you are going in the wrong direction. Turn around.
God hasn't left you, He is just facing the other way.

~Debbie Turner Chavers

© 2009 Debbie Turner Chavers

All writing, poetry, posts, art, and photography, copyright © 2011 Debbie Turner Chavers. All Rights Reserved. Encouragement? . Protected by US and International copyright laws. Scripture references from King James bible.

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